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CMC Alloy Process - Ultrasonic Welding

CMC alloy process(copper molybdenum copper alloy) - ultrasonic welding as follow:

Ultrasonic welding is a solid-phase soldering method. In the static pressure, the longitudinal ultrasonic vibration in a periodic force on the composite metal laminates to be ALMT Japanese company Mo / Cu rolled into a strip, with its CMC alloy as an intermediate layer were prepared using a hot CMC alloy flat composite electronic packaging materials. As Mo / Cu Cu material was filled in between the molybdenum skeleton-like distribution network, making the product in a planar direction and a thickness direction of the same electrical and thermal conductivity than the alloy layer thickness ratio of CMC better.


And the middle of Mo-Cu alloy layer due to copper added, showing more excellent processing performance. Plansee, Austria produced Cu/Mo-30Cu/Cu (1:4:1) 3 layered composite material had a density of 9.5g/cm3, the planar direction of the thermal conductivity ≥ 260W /m·K, the thermal expansion coefficient of 8.0 × 10-6 ~ 10. 0 × 10-6/K, these properties are listed in table 1, even better than the layer thickness ratio of 1:2:1 alloy material superior CMC.

Rolling cladding technology and equipment is more mature, high yield, greatly reduce production costs, but also easy to implement large-scale industrial production, is a great potential for development of composite material technology. But rolling composite one-time investment, it is not conducive to small batch production.

If you have any interest in our CMC alloy(copper molybdenum copper alloy) or other molybdenum alloy products, please feel free to contact us by email:, or by telephone:86 592 512 9696.

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